"The Blissful Knowing" is a state-of-being that results from seven different aspects of inner knowledge--all represented in The Blissful Knowing logo.
The wand represents an understanding of how to use universal laws to create the life you desire.
The heart represents an understanding that we are all pure love at our core. It symbolizes self-love and a conscious awareness that you are loved and lovable.
The crown represents an awareness of your value and a conscious belief that you are worthy of receiving the abundance that is readily available to each of us.
The sunflower represents an understanding that joy is our natural state-of-being.
The number 1 represents individuality and a strong sense of self. The 1 symbolizes self-understanding and an appreciation of everything that makes you who you are. The triangle represents an upward ascension towards the higher vibrational experiences that manifest as a result of believing in yourself.
The 5 represents an awareness of your passions and learning to follow your bliss. 5 invites you to celebrate life and to live in the present moment. The triangle represents an upward ascension towards the higher vibrational experiences that manifest as a result of following your bliss and living in the "NOW".
The number 7 represents an awareness of your inner guidance and an ability to recognize and follow your intuition. The triangle represents an upward ascension towards the higher vibrational experiences that manifest as a result of following your inner guidance.